Legal information

Information according to Section 5 of TMG [German Teleservices Act]:


Dr. Gurban Alakbarov

Managing owner


Interpreting and Translation Services

Dr. Gurban Alakbarov

Treuenbrietzener Straße 5

13439 Berlin, Germany

VAT ID: DE294823252

Contact information:

Phone no.:                  +49 (30) 224 945 73

Telefax:                       +49 (30) 311 641 79

Mobile phone no.:    +49 (178) 651 63 26

E-mail:                         [email protected]



Disclaimer of liability:

Liability for contents

Being a service provider, we are responsible for our own contents at these sites according to Section 7 Paragraph 1 of TMG [German Teleservices Act] and the general laws. According to Sections 8 to 10 of the TMG, as a service provider we are not responsible for monitoring transferred or saved external information and we are not obliged to research circumstances, which point at an illegal activity. Obligations for removing or blocking the usage of information according to the general law remain unaffected. Liability thereof is only possible starting with the knowledge of a definitive violation of the law. Gaining knowledge of according violations of the law results in immediate removal of these contents.

Liability for links

Our offer contains links to websites of third parties, whose contents we cannot influence. Therefore, we do not assume liability for third-party contents. The according provider or operator of the website is responsible for the contents of the linked sites. At the time of linking, the linked sites were reviewed regarding possible violations of the law. Unlawful contents have not been detected at the time of linking. Permanent monitoring of the linked sites is, without definitive indications concerning a violation of the law, unacceptable. Gaining knowledge of violations of the law, according links are removed immediately.


The contents and works of these sites generated by operators of websites are subject to German copyright. Reproduction, reworking, distribution of any kind outside the limits of the copyright require the written approval of the according author or creator, respectively. Downloads and copies of these sites are only permitted for private, not commercial usage. Insofar the contents of this website were not created by the operator, copyrights of third parties apply. Particularly, contents of third parties are marked as such. If you detect a copyright violation in spite of all this, we ask you to submit according information. Gaining knowledge of according violations of the law, we immediately remove these contents.

Privacy policy:

Data privacy

Using our website is generally possible without disclosing personal data. Insofar we collect personal data (such as name, address or e-mail address) on our website, this, as far as possible, takes place always on voluntary basis. Without your explicit consent, these data are not communicated to third parties. We refer to the fact, that transmission via the internet (e.g. communication via e-mail) might entail security gaps. Gapless protection of data against access of third parties is not possible.

Using published contact information within the frame of obligation to legal information by third parties in order to send advertisements and information material not explicitly requested is expressly rejected. The operators of this website assertively reserve the right to legal action in case of unrequested advertising information such as spam mails.

Privacy policy for using Facebook plugins (like-button)

On our website, plugins of the social network Facebook (Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA) are integrated. Facebook plugins can be recognised by the Facebook logo or the “like-button” on our website. An overview of Facebook plugins are found here:

If you visit our website, the plugin establishes a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server. Thereby, Facebook gains the information that you visited our website via your IP-address. If you click the “like-button” while being logged on your Facebook account, you can link the contents of our website on your Facebook profile. Thereby, Facebook can match your visit of our website to your user account. We refer to the fact that we as a service provider of the websites have no knowledge of the content of transferred data as well as their usage by Facebook. Further information thereof can be found in the privacy policy of Facebook:

If you do not want Facebook matching the visit of our websites with your Facebook user account, please log off your Facebook user account.

Privacy policy for the usage of Twitter

On our Websites, functions of the service Twitter are integrated. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc., Twitter, Inc. 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using Twitter and the function “re-tweet”, the websites you visited are linked with your Twitter account and communicated to other users. Thereby, data are transferred to Twitter. We refer to the fact that we as a service provider of the websites have no knowledge of the content of transferred data as well as their usage by Twitter. Further information thereof can be found in the privacy policy of Twitter:

Your privacy settings of Twitter can be changed in the account settings under

Acknowledgement of copyright: Disclaimer and privacy policy of eRecht24, the portal to internet law by Sören Siebert, attorney, Facebook disclaimer, privacy policy for Twitter